Engineering & Technology Innovation Management (ETIM)
2022-2023 Academic Year
Academic Year |
Tuition |
$54,272 |
Student Activities Fee |
228 |
Room |
11,460 |
Board |
6,876 |
Books and Supplies |
2,212 |
Health Insurance |
2,812 |
Personal and Misc. |
3,210 |
Travel Allowance |
1,374 |
Transportation Fee |
250 |
Technology Fee |
450 |
$83,144 |
As of March 31, 2022.
The full-time MS program in ETIM begins during the spring term, includes a summer internship, and concludes at the end of the fall term during the same calendar year.
In 2023, ETIM's tuition will total $54,272. Tuition for the full-time spring and fall semesters is $26,050. The ETIM Summer Internship practicum is a 3-unit course charged at the per-unit tuition rate of $724/unit, totaling at $2,172.
Room & Board
Room & board rates are standard for the fall and spring semesters. There may be additional costs for summer internship and the amounts depend on a variety of factors. Contact ETIM for more information.