Student Financial Aid Terms and Conditions
All students, regardless of whether they are financial aid recipients, are required to confirm agreement to the university’s student financial aid terms and conditions (pdf) upon their initial log-in to Student Information Online (SIO) and before any financial aid disburses to their account. The terms and conditions apply to all student financial aid, regardless of source (e.g., federal, state or institutional), including grants, scholarships, fellowships, loans and work-study awards. The terms and conditions are as follows:
Accuracy of Information
I will provide complete and accurate information on my financial aid application forms, and will timely update that information upon learning of any incomplete or inaccurate information.
Verification of Information
I will verify financial aid application information with supporting documentation as requested, and I understand that my failure to timely supply requested documentation may result in denial of financial aid or a delay in disbursement.
Fulfillment of Responsibilities
If I am awarded financial aid, I will fulfill the responsibilities associated with receiving the awards, and will comply with all applicable federal, state and institutional policies, procedures, and regulations as they may pertain to the financial aid awards that I receive.
Financial Aid Subject to Adjustment/Change
I understand that all financial aid awarded to me is awarded based on financial need and/or merit as determined from the information provided by me on my financial aid application materials. Financial aid awards are subject to adjustments or cancellations due to changes in laws, regulations, appropriations, changes in my financial situation, verification, discovery of data errors, changes in my enrollment status and other changes where adjustments may be necessary. For example, I understand that all awards in my financial aid package are contingent upon continued funding from federal, state and institutional sources, and that if funding for any of my awards is reduced, suspended, or eliminated, the affected awards may be reduced or rescinded accordingly.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
I understand that in order to receive any of the awarded financial aid, I must maintain "Satisfactory Academic Progress." The Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements can be found at
Release of Information
I authorize Carnegie Mellon University to do the following without my prior consent:
- Provide my financial aid or academic information in connection with application processing and/or determining award eligibility to third parties who need this information;
- Provide my Federal Work-Study or Federal Community Service eligibility and award amount to off-campus employers for the purpose of determining initial or continued employment in the Federal Community Service Work-Study program; and
- Provide my name, major, hometown and class year to Carnegie Mellon University donors for university advancement and/or stewardship purposes.
Changes to Terms and Conditions
I understand these student financial aid terms and conditions are subject to change from time to time as a result of action by federal and/or state governments, the board of trustees of Carnegie Mellon University or the administration of Carnegie Mellon University. I understand that I will be bound by any such changes for any portion of my financial aid award received by me after such changes, and therefore it is recommended that I periodically review these terms and conditions on this webpage for any such changes.